Acupressure Points For Weight Loss
Weight loss can be a difficult task for almost anyone. It turns out that acupressure may provide substantial support to your weight loss goals.
Some Common Acupressure Points
Here are some of the most common acupressure points for treating everyday ailments like headaches and stress, and how you can stimulate them.
What is Reflexology?
Today many women are seeking reflexology treatment to help deal with menstrual pain, pregnancy concerns, migraines and hormonal issues.
Dealing With the Painful Realities of Aging
In addition to pain management, many people use acupressure as a way to relieve and eliminate tensions, as well as rebalancing the body’s natural rhythms.
The Way of the Compassionate Spirit
Jin Shin Do is a synthesis of Qigong exercises, Reichian segmental theory, Chinese acupressure theory, Taoist philosophy, and Japanese acupressure techniques.